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A tour in Bhutan

Bhutan is a landlocked little country roughly the size of Switzerland. It is bounded on the north and northwest by Tibet, with India touching its remaining borders and Nepal a bit to the west. Virtually the entire country is mountainous, peaking at 24,777ft.

North to south it features three geographic regions; the high Himalaya of the north, the hills and valleys of the centre, and the foothills and plains of the south.

For centuries Bhutan has remained isolated from the rest of the world. Since its doors were opened in 1974, visitors have been mesmerized by the beautiful and pristine country and the hospitable and charming people.

The best time to visit is October and November and during major festivals. The climate is best in autumn, from late September to late November, when skies are clear and the high mountain peaks are visible. It’s not unusual to experience rain no matter what the season, but it is recommended to avoid the monsoon season, June-August, when buckets of rain come down.

Because Bhutan has no domestic air service, possesses no helicopters, and does not include an inch of railway track, the only way to see the place is by foot or by road. This country is stunning, magnificent, and pictures do not do it justice.

More information about Bhutan

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Bhutan Public Holidays See the calendars for national Bhutan holidays year by year. Find and just click on the year you for which you need more information about Bhutan holidays, and the calendar for the year will open. When is the non working days for the year. Public / national days, see the calendar for the country here.

Biggest City Bhutan

Facts about Bhutan, Biggest city What are the names of the largest cities in Bhutan, and how big are the cities by population. Easy overview of the informations in the sortable table below. Please note that the informations comes from various sources,if you are using the informations professional you should get confirmation that the figures are actual. Last update august 2017

Geography and facts, Bhutan

Bhutan, geography and facts explained Geograhy, facts, local customs and foodie guide. All explained in videos 8 to 15 minutes, very good, informative and funny videos that will ensure you see the videos to the end. The videos are produced by Geography now, thanks for the videos and keep up the good work.


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