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Senegal Travel Wiki

[tp_search_shortcodes slug=”4f02989d” origin=”” destination=”DKR” hotel_city=”Dakar, Senegal, 148, 12279, city, Senegal” type=”avia_hotel” subid=””]

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Travel to Senegal

The Republic of Senegal sits on the Atlantic coastline of Africa and is the westernmost nation on the continent. This means there are plenty of beaches to enjoy and wildlife sanctuaries to explore. It is a nation that is filled with beauty, wonder, and unique opportunities.

The historical slave trade was often based in Senegal due to its location on the African continent. Sites like Goree Island have led to unique visitation opportunities, allowing many to see and experience the buildings that held so much uncertainty and pain in the past.

Many trips to Senegal involve working with an enclosed beach resort industry. This is especially true for those who visit communities like Saly. A resort vacation to Senegal will often include guided trips to natural and wildlife sanctuaries. You can also book guided tours of Goree Island, the historic sites that are around Dakar, and the other various monuments that can be found throughout this country.

Ecotourism opportunities are continuing to developed in the southwest corner of Senegal, with an emphasis placed on Basse Casamance National Park. You can also plan a trip to Saloum Delta National Park to explore an extensive set of mangroves and islands that are unique wildlife habitats.

Special visa provisions may apply at times when planning a visit to Senegal. In most instances, however, a passport is all that is necessary for a visit as long as the stay is for less than 90 days. Mandatory vaccinations may apply. With a little advance planning, you’ll find that spending time in Senegal is one of the best decisions you can make.

City Guides

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Dakar, capital of Senegal

Dakar Travel Wiki Travel to Dakar Located in Senegal, Dakar is the largest city in the country and is situated on the Atlantic Coast. It's the most western city in what was considered the Old World before contact with the Americas was made and because of this, has always been at the forefront of shipping and trade. During colonial times, it was one of the most critical cities of the French Empire and the goal has been to turn this community...

Travel resources

Below you can find usefull travel resources for your visit to the country

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Biggest City Senegal

Facts about Senegal, Biggest city What are the name of the biggest city Senegal, and how big are city by population. Easy overview of the informations in the sortable table below. Please note that the informations comes from various sources,if you are using the informations professional you should get confirmation that the figures are actual. Last update august 2017

News from Senegal

News from Senegal - Stay updated ! Watch and listen to news resources from Senegal. There are several ways, radio, tv, written and social media, to stay updated on what is happening right now in the country, find some selected news sources in the menu below. If you have found a news source you think is missing, you can read or write comments and ask questions in the disqus field below. Other recommended news:

Senegal Holidays

Senegal Public Holidays See the calendars for national Senegal holidays year by year. Find and just click on the year you for which you need more information about Senegal holidays, and the calendar for the year will open. When is the non working days for the year. Public / national days, see the calendar for the country here.

Travel forum Senegal

Senegal travel forum Discuss Senegal travel with other travellers. Looking for advice, answers and information from Travel Forum guides ? Post your travel questions. You can read and write questions and answers, and you can recommend travel advice and things to do and see in the disqus forum field below.

Official holidays

When are holidays and no working days in the country ?

January 1New Year's Day
November 20Prophet Mohammed's Birthday
April 4Independence Day
VariableEaster Monday
May 1Labour Day
VariableAscension Day
variableWhit Monday
August 15Assumption of Mary
August 19Korité
November 1All Saints' Day
October 26Tabaski
VariableGrand Magal of Touba
December 25Christmas Day

Which are the largest cities ?

Listing of the most important and largest cities in the country

2Grand Dakar2.352.057