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Brno–Tuřany Airport
Letiště Brno–Tuřany
Czech Republic
Airport website



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Cheap flights to Brno

There is a lot of Low Cost Airlines serving Brno, so jump on and discover the city.

Transport, Getting There And Getting Around

By taxi

There are many taxi ranks at Brno airport and the fare to the centre of Brno is approximately 300Kč.

By car

Brno Tuřany Airport is located within reach of the city, next to the D1 Brno-Olomouc Motorway. Look out for the motorway exit ‘Slatina,’ and the airport is 2km from the exit.

By bus

It takes around 20 minutes to get to Brno by bus. Bus No. 76 from Brno’s main railway station leaves every 30 minutes between the hours of 04.30 and 23.00

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