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The weather in Salzburg

When is the best time to visit ?

What’s the weather like in Salzburg ?

The city of Salzburg is located next to the Prealps and therefore very much influenced by the Alpine climate.

Winters are usually quite cold and dry, snow can be found pretty often especially in the mountains. Summers are hot and friendly, however, rainy periods occur and can last for a couple of days in the ‘worst case’.

Summer and winter are the most busy seasons with the city pretty crowded, spring and autumn are more quiet but just as enjoyable.

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Geography and facts, Austria

Austria, geography and facts explained Geograhy, facts, local customs and foodie guide. All explained in videos 8 to 15 minutes, very good, informative and funny videos that will ensure you see the videos to the end. The videos are produced by Geography now, thanks for the videos and keep up the good work. Discover Austria Escape to Austria on your next vacation for a trip full of natural beauty, culture, and activities for any season. Visit the capital of Vienna for a classical music,...


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