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A tour to Victoria Falls

Visitors to either Chobe or Okavango may wish to add on a visit to Victoria Falls. Victoria Falls is actually in Zimbabwe but is easily accessible from the northern part of Botswana. Victoria Falls is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world and one of Africa’s prime attractions. Situated on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, the falls occur where the steadily flowing Zambezi River, unwarned, casually approaches and then suddenly plunges down a series of basalt gorges in a breathtaking display of several waterfalls. Mist and thunder emanating from the falls can be witnessed from far off.

The spray from the falls sustains the rain forest on the opposite wall of basalt and creates an almost constant rainbow visible even by the light of the moon. The falls are best seen from the air, thus activities such as helicopter flights, balloon rides and micro-lighting over the falls are a must do. Other exciting activities available are bungee jumping off the bridge – which also gives a spectacular view down the gorge, canoeing, white water rafting, river safaris, elephant back safaris and many more. Be sure to review our offers for a Botswana safari and Victoria Falls tour.

More information about Botswana


Geography and facts, Botswana

Botswana, geography and facts explained Geograhy, facts, local customs and foodie guide. All explained in videos 8 to 15 minutes, very good, informative and funny videos that will ensure you see the videos to the end. The videos are produced by Geography now, thanks for the videos and keep up the good work.

Botswana Holidays

Botswana Public Holidays See the calendars for national Botswana holidays year by year. Find and just click on the year you for which you need more information about Botswana holidays, and the calendar for the year will open. When is the non working days for the year. Public / national days, see the calendar for the country here.

News from Botswana

News from Botswana - Stay updated ! Watch and listen to news resources from Botswana. There are several ways, radio, tv, written and social media, to stay updated on what is happening right now in the country, find some selected news sources in the menu below. If you have found a news source you think is missing, you can read or write comments and ask questions in the disqus field below. Other recommended news:


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