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There is a lot of Mayan influence and culture all over Guatemala. The weather was hot and I like the bustle of mornings in a city so I walked fairly early. I started at our hostel, La Quinta, but there are many very nice hotels in Antigua if you are looking for accommodation in this small historic town.

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Antigua Guatemala (commonly referred to as just Antigua or la Antigua) is a city in the central highlands of Guatemala famous for its well-preserved Spanish Baroque-influenced architecture as well as a number of ruins of colonial churches. It served as the capital of the Kingdom of Guatemala. It has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Antigua Guatemala serves as the municipal seat for the surrounding municipality of the same name. It also serves as the departmental capital of Sacatepéquez Department. The city had a peak population of some 60,000 in the 1770s; the bulk of the population moved away in the late 18th century. Despite significant population growth in the late 20th century, the city had only reached half that number by the 1990s. At the time of the 2007 census, the city had 34,685 inhabitants

+ Information about Antigua and Guatemala

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Geography and facts, Guatemala

Guatemala, geography and facts explained Geograhy, facts, local customs and foodie guide. All explained in videos 8 to 15 minutes, very good, informative and funny videos that will ensure you see the videos to the end. The videos are produced by Geography now, thanks for the videos and keep up the good work. Discover Guatemala Tucked in the heart of Latin America just next to Mexico, Guatemala is a paradise of natural beauty and exciting culture. Come hike up incredible volcanoes and explore lush...

Biggest City Guatemala

Facts about Guatemala, Biggest city What are the names of the largest cities in Guatemala, and how big are the cities by population. Easy overview of the informations in the sortable table below. Please note that the informations comes from various sources,if you are using the informations professional you should get confirmation that the figures are actual. Last update august 2017 About Guatemala Does Mayan culture pique your interest? Do you want to see a live volcano? Does visiting a place called the Land...

Guatemala Holidays

Guatemala Public Holidays See the calendars for national Guatemala holidays year by year. Find and just click on the year you for which you need more information about Guatemala holidays, and the calendar for the year will open. When is the non working days for the year. Public / national days, see the calendar for the country here.


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