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What to see in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil ?

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Carnival in Salvador da Bahia

Deemed by some as the wildest street party on the face of the planet, Carnival in Salvador, Bahia is the place to be during those five crazy days in February or March. Different from the more spectator-oriented Carnival in Rio, Carnival in Salvador puts you in the middle of the music, the dancing, and the rhythms of the some of the most energetic bands in the world.

Once the center of sugar cane production and accompanying slave trade, Salvador, Bahia is Brazil’s capital of African culture and Religion. Carnival is the time of year when this Afro-Brazilian culture truly shines, with every music group in the city, from traditional afro-percussion groups to more contemporary axe bands (axe is a modern mix of afoxe and other contemporary rhythms), performing day and night. Bands perform on enormous trucks (loaded with thousands of watts of sound) which crawl through one of three principal Carnival Routes. The trucks are called “trios” because the first was a ´29 Ford which carried a driver and two musicians, Dodó and Osmar (today the original car is in the museum at the Lagoa da Abaeté in Itapoan). In the years following the first trio’s appearance in 1950, the bands stuck to the trio format, but have since evolved into a much more grandiose spectacle, complete with enormous bands, costumes, and dancing. All around the trucks is a roped off area called a “bloco”, a type of VIP area with security and refreshments. Outside the cord, usually deemed quite a bit more dangerous on account of the petty thieves and pickpockets, is where the “pipoca”, or popcorn (named for the synchronizing jumping of the crowd) dances and carries on. Another option is buying a ticket for one of the many “camarotes”, which are VIP lounges in hotels and restaurants along the carnival routes.

The Music

Carnival in Salvador offers so many options for different types and music, it can be a bit daunting. If axe music is what you are interested in, check out Margareth Menezes, Ivete Sangalo, Daniela Mercury, Timbalada, or Chiclete com Banana. For more traditional afro-percussion groups, Olodum, Ara Ketu, Muzenza, and Ilê Aiyê are great options.

Weather and Weather Forecast

clear sky
31 ° C
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+ Information about Salvador da Bahia and Brazil

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